Recommended Free Online Courses

Free online courses in marketing, investment, entrepreneurship
Unique free online courses in marketing, investment, and entrepreneurship.

Investor for business. Where and how to find, how to raise, who can help

The training course for business founders and investment agents who want to attract investment is presented by Sergey Voropaev together with colleagues from the field of fundraising.
Investor for business. Where and how to find, how to raise, who can help

How to keep a business alive during a crisis

A course on analyzing business cases with practical tips. The author of live broadcasts Iya Imshinetskaya in the "International quarantine club named after I. Imshenetskaya" during quarantine 2020 analyzes cases and offers tactics in the form of powerful antidotes to the crisis.

How to keep a business alive during a crisis

Innovation & Technology Entrepreneurship: Katalyst Teams

A project-driven and team-based course that introduced and strengthened the experience of technology entrepreneurship, pioneered in Silicon Valley and now spreading across the world.
Stanford University Online. Innovation & Technology Entrepreneurship: Katalyst Teams

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