Lifestyle and the Keys to Opening the Doors to Life Change

Luxury lifestyle in Hong Kong, cars in Hong Kong
Entrepreneurship is a passion I met in my country of Belarus in 2012. Additional 2 years of remote international partnerships in startups and traveling with Latvian, Finland, Russian, Polish and Ukrainian friends strengthened my decision. Because of this, I moved to another country as a businessman based in Thailand.

Out of personal interest is to stay updated with everything from technology and marketing to business and investment, that is why I connect my life with happy business people and companies in my Trizeri international business.

My whole philosophy in life and business is based on wisdom. It differs from knowledge. Wisdom is what I gain from life experience over time. I can either gain wisdom by myself or absorb it from someone else.

Here are the keys that open the door to unusual wisdom for me to change life and achieve success:
What I can tolerate, I cannot change.
If I live in poverty and tolerate it – I am mentally accepting that situation.
What you respect you will attract.
I respect great leaders and entrepreneurs like Robert Kiyosaki, Dexter Yager, and Jack Ma.
What I make happen for others, God will make happen for me.
When I do something for someone else without expecting anything in return, this is the supernatural key for a great life.
The secret of my future hidden in my daily routine.
If I am not succeeding, it’s because of my daily habits. I’m changing my habits and my results also changing!
My rewards in life depend on the kind of problems I solve for others.
I will be remembered by either: the problems I create for others or the problems I solve for others. I have a choice.
If I insist on taking something God did not give me, he will take something he gave me.
I never take something that does not belong to me. A lead or a deal – whatever it may be.
An uncommon seed will create an uncommon harvest.
Seeds that I have: time, love, friendship. They are what I plant and take time to grow, but requires my involvement to make sure it grows.

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