Coffee time 'Ask me'

Coffee time 'Ask me'
A physical meeting over a cup of coffee or an online meeting lasting at least 1 hour. I recommend that you prepare at least 10 questions for the meeting to save you and my time. You can ask any question you want.

For example:
  • IT
Sharing information technology expertise, e.g, building a strong technology startup, digital business transformation, cybersecurity, cases, digital international infrastructure.
  • Deep Tech
Technology development or implementation, e.g. business intelligence, online analysis, cybersecurity, infrastructure, IoT, AI, Smart City, Southeast Asian market, expansion.
  • Psychology & Sociology
Sharing the experience of psychology and sociology for the brand, e.g. online user behavior, personality typology in online marketing, wow effect, viral distribution, the interaction within the company, the interaction between departments, multinational teams, remote control.
  • Thai Business
Doing business in Thailand, e.g. 100% foreign ownership, Best practices, Financial optimization, international transactions, licenses, privacy, government support, government promotion, Visa, immigration, investment, environment, online and online marketing.
  • SEA Market
Specifics of working in the Thai and Southeast Asian markets, e.g. online and offline marketing, payment systems, interaction with banks, best practices, failures, costs, management, and motivation of employees, remote management, speed of distribution.
  • Troubleshooting
Critical thinking and troubleshooting, a non-standard and systematic approach to solving your problem.
  • Startup
Overview of startup or idea, e.g., plan, currents situation, fails, Asian angels, Asian VCs, pitching, conferences, accelerators, incubators, banks, mentorship, startup ecosystem.
  • Other

A full list of services for you and your business can be found in the Services section.

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