Ancient Sanskrit Mantras and Modern Technologies

Vladimir Muranov
Vladimir Muranov is a well-known Russian performer of the New Age meditative music. Ancient Sanskrit mantras and the subtle atmosphere of contemporary music are elegantly combined in his compositions.

In 2009 Vladimir earned particular admiration of the TV audience in Russia and abroad after winning the TNT Television Network project "Battle of the Psychics" ("Russia's Psychic Challenge").

Currently, he is not only performing meditative music but also leading many personal development training and seminars. Vladimir is also a writer, author of such books as "The Truth Inside Us" and "You can be healed."

Vladimir's concerts do not leave indifferent even those who attend them for the first time. So it was with me in 2015 in Minsk in Belarus at Vladimir's concert "Listening to the whisper of Heaven". That's when we met.

Have you ever created technologies and put an Eastern spiritual style into them? I do this all the time. Thailand is one of the places where you can do this. The place where you can learn about Eastern culture, people's behavior, their attitude, their experience in programs and applications. Transform that into technology. That's why Trizeri is an international technology project with the integration of Eastern style and industry practices.

Flexibility, simplicity, integrity and understanding - all of this is in the ancient mantras of the East, which Vladimir transforms into a New Age genre, into music with a relaxing and light sound. All this is taught to me by Vladimir and all this is applicable to any field of activity, even to technology.

If you want to create something for the future that will work for a long time, then look at what has existed for thousands of years and is still relevant. Just implement the same methods and approaches.

Amazing times create amazing people. Vladimir is a vivid example of this. His wisdom is unlimited.

You can learn about Vladimir's creativity on the official pages on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Vkontakte and listen to his music on sound libraries SoundCloud, Spotify and Apple Music.

More pearls of wisdom and stories told by other people, his transformational experiences you can find in the PR & Communications section.

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